Search found 280 matches
- Fri Aug 07, 2020 10:54 am
- Forum: Tuning the EEC....
- Topic: Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
- Replies: 14
- Views: 17292
Re: Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
Can we configure a wildcard SSL certificate for the site: As the current cert is only for, I still get a certificate error if I visit A cert for * would fix it. ...
- Fri Aug 07, 2020 12:05 am
- Forum: Tuning the EEC....
- Topic: Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
- Replies: 14
- Views: 17292
Re: Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
Can we configure a wildcard SSL certificate for the site: As the current cert is only for, I still get a certificate error if I visit A cert for * would fix it. ...
- Sun Jul 26, 2020 7:36 pm
- Forum: Tuning the EEC....
- Topic: Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
- Replies: 14
- Views: 17292
Re: Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
Saturday morning had a lot of spam. When spam does come in, I block the IP range it came from as well as change the users pw so they can't easily reuse the account. But Saturday, it was coming in faster than I could do all that. Seems fine now, so I guess you got the anti spam catcher back in place...
- Sun Jul 26, 2020 7:20 pm
- Forum: Tuning the EEC....
- Topic: Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
- Replies: 14
- Views: 17292
Re: Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
Latest phpBB has now been installed, and I have made several other small improvements/fixes. Mostly to login/signup/account recovery as well as the forum theme style/layout.
- Sat Jul 25, 2020 7:35 am
- Forum: Lounge
- Replies: 6
- Views: 9533
I do care...and I appologize for the neglect guys.
Everything is fixed, lots coming down the pipeline: ... -than-ever
Everything is fixed, lots coming down the pipeline: ... -than-ever
- Sat Jul 25, 2020 1:38 am
- Forum: Tuning the EEC....
- Topic: Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
- Replies: 14
- Views: 17292
Re: Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
We are live! Had a few unexpected difficulties...but was able to push through. Whew! I was going to also upgrade phpBB tonight...but, I am I am heading to sleep. If there are any issues please feel free to send a DM on here (or if you can't for some reason), email me at contact@eectuning....
- Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:57 pm
- Forum: Tuning the EEC....
- Topic: Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
- Replies: 14
- Views: 17292
Re: Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
Are you converting the site to a deployable docker for AWS? Hey Chris : You are 1/2 correct...AWS is too expensive for this sites needs at the moment...but the you are correct on the rest. The newly developed application and integrated forum are now deployed via docker images to digitalocean instan...
- Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:18 pm
- Forum: Tuning the EEC....
- Topic: Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
- Replies: 14
- Views: 17292
Site upgrade and fixes, Saturday July 25th, 2020 12:00AM Central
Hey guys, Long time no update...but its finally here, and happening. Here's whats happening on Saturday: * Backup data to AWS (already occuring every 2 days, but will occur prior to migration) * Swapping servers to new containerized deployment * Fixing SSL certificate issues * New website, new featu...
- Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:41 am
- Forum: Lounge
- Topic: Forum security certificates need updated
- Replies: 6
- Views: 11018
Re: Forum security certificates need updated
Hey guys...another update, since I mentioned changes were coming. Things are progressing but a bit slower than I anticipated due to work/life constraints...but I want to make sure I make it clear this is coming. At the very latest, I have a couple weeks of vacation I am taking during christmas break...
- Sun Nov 25, 2018 9:11 am
- Forum: Lounge
- Topic: Forum security certificates need updated
- Replies: 6
- Views: 11018
Re: Forum security certificates need updated
Hey's me! First of all, thanks Chris for the heads up on issues here. So, the cert needs updating, that is obvious. I have a new cert...but.... I was/am working on a new server as well as a revamp for this site. I was doing this in light of some upcoming personal projects related to mu...
- Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:30 am
- Forum: Lounge
- Topic: up and running
- Replies: 26
- Views: 31393
Re: up and running
Post/explanation forthcoming ...likely tonight after I get home from work.
- Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:35 pm
- Forum: Lounge
- Topic: New look, fixed registration, new features coming soon...
- Replies: 13
- Views: 15960
Re: New look, fixed registration, new features coming soon..
Like the old look better. It fit better on my smaller netbook screen. Seems to waste more space now. Jon, if you can add the Prosilver and Subsilver (old default) looks back, but keep this one as the default, then people could choose which they prefer in their User Control Panel. Chris, yes...I am ...
- Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:39 pm
- Forum: Lounge
- Topic: New look, fixed registration, new features coming soon...
- Replies: 13
- Views: 15960
New look, fixed registration, new features coming soon...
As I am sure everyone can see, I have updated the look of the site. This is the new theme I developed for the new site, of which the new features are coming soon (within a couple weeks, more on these later). I had heard the registration was broken and decided to go ahead and toss up the new design.....
- Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:57 pm
- Forum: Lounge
- Topic: F'n spammers!
- Replies: 30
- Views: 34029
Re: F'n spammers!
I think what we are doing currently is working well enough. It is a cat and mouse game with the spammers, the catches I put in place are absolutely crackable, and quite easily actually. A spammer needs to be both technically proficient enough to figure out my little stumbling blocks and also willing...
- Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:02 pm
- Forum: Lounge
- Topic: F'n spammers!
- Replies: 30
- Views: 34029
Re: F'n spammers!
Hey guys, I got notice that we were getting flooded with crap again. I have added a couple different catches to the user registration which *should* stop this recent influx if it is a bot that is doing it.
Re: SuperMoon
Well, seems like the supermoon was a complete bust for the end of the world theorists. I always laugh about the people predicting the end of the's just, silly. Everyone has a different date for whatever reason, and its all just comical... The moon didnt look any different to me than usua...
Re: SuperMoon
That's true. Lighter car that is the same mass is less traction for takeoff. This is also true. If anything, you might have issues with front-end lift if under extreme conditions (at the most, and I sincerely doubt it would even be noticeable - even by pro-street/top-fuel/etc type vehicles truthful...
Re: SuperMoon
1st i've heard of this, guess we shall find out shortly if the moon does make my car lighter it only makes for a better ET sounds like a win-win lol...ok well I hate to inject some science into this, but your car will not lose mass if there was a greater gravitational effect that was even perceivab...
- Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:39 pm
- Forum: Tuning the EEC....
- Topic: Blabber, rumors, blah, blah, blah...
- Replies: 22
- Views: 23814
Re: Blabber, rumors, blah, blah, blah...
... so in turn i deleted the post. I can verify he did in fact remove the post, I did not. jon as always you and I see eye-to-eye, i think its inappropriate as well, i prefer this forum stays unbiased as a wealth of knowledge for all to absorb and interpret as they see fit. Good, I am glad you shar...
- Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:48 pm
- Forum: Tuning the EEC....
- Topic: Blabber, rumors, blah, blah, blah...
- Replies: 22
- Views: 23814
Re: Blabber, rumors, blah, blah, blah...
I was concerned about that topic but decided to not say anything since a "mod" posted it. I just waited to see where it went. I am glad that you took the time to address it. I have seen some strange things come across as of late that concern me I and was hoping that wasnt the direction we were goin...
- Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:19 pm
- Forum: Tuning the EEC....
- Topic: Blabber, rumors, blah, blah, blah...
- Replies: 22
- Views: 23814
Blabber, rumors, blah, blah, blah...
[Wall-of-Text-Warning - Sorry for the long post!] Hey guys, in the interest of transparency, I felt it would be appropriate for me to make a quick post here and give some insight on some recent incidences, as well as make a few other points on my general policies and principles considering this site...
Re: Tapatalk
I am doing great...just wish the world would slow down for a bit so I could catch a breath!
Re: Tapatalk
Not much traffic at all for I-Phones and such huh? Well that's ok Jon I can get by...... :mrgreen: It will get done Dale, it just isn't going to come along with the initial site launch. You/we shouldn't have to wait too access is essential in todays world and is only going to ge...
Re: Tapatalk
Tapatalk please.......... :mrgreen: use my iphone a lot more than the computer these days..... It isn't going to be phpBB based, sorry fellas those plugins will not work. I do have a mobile version on the list of todo's...but the initial release of the new site will not encompass that, basically be...
- Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:30 am
- Forum: Lounge
- Topic: Graphic Designers for new Forum Logo
- Replies: 7
- Views: 11607
Re: Graphic Designers for new Forum Logo
I am workin' on it DaleDale McPeters wrote: What did you turn into a programmer or something.....![]()
Just kidding Jon now hurry up and get it done so we can see what you have been doing!!!

- Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:48 am
- Forum: Lounge
- Topic: Graphic Designers for new Forum Logo
- Replies: 7
- Views: 11607
Re: Graphic Designers for new Forum Logo
I am excited that you guys are excited. For too long this site has been forum-only. I used to have a files section up, but deemed it mostly useless once I turned on attachments on the board so I took it down and just redirected to the forums. The new site, not to get too into the nitty gritty detail...
- Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:45 pm
- Forum: Lounge
- Topic: Graphic Designers for new Forum Logo
- Replies: 7
- Views: 11607
Re: Graphic Designers for new Forum Logo
Truth be told I wish decipha had waited on posting this topic :). The new site *should* be completed and up within a couple weeks. I am feverishly trying to finish it by the 25th, as that is my goal date. Once it is up, I will want the suggestions to start flowing in. I think you guys are going to b...
- Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:05 pm
- Forum: Lounge
- Topic: SPAM EMAIL "Website project"
- Replies: 4
- Views: 7573
Re: SPAM EMAIL "Website project"
This is all too typical...I get these often...just ignore them.
Re: Tapatalk
Any chance of this board going with Tapatalk so that it's supported on the Iphone?? I do have some pretty significant changes/updates/new features in store for this site in general coming very soon (I plan on having the 'beta' of the new site viewable to a few select people so I can get some feedba...
- Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:11 am
- Forum: Lounge
- Topic: forum logo
- Replies: 9
- Views: 12682
Re: forum logo
Quite possibly related, I think Chris mentioned this not long ago to me as well...I will have a look into it today once I get to the office. *Open mouth, insert foot* Sometimes owning a business consumes your sorry I didn't get to this guys...I promise I will have some free time this wee...