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by cgrey8
Mon May 20, 2024 6:24 am
Forum: Tuning the EEC....
Replies: 1
Views: 4191


My guess is the most official information is going to be both in the helpfiles of BE (and EA). However those are written very generically and don't include a lot of the learned practices and behaviors that might be shared on forums, tech docs, and FAQs on sites like this. So if you are looking to tr...
by cgrey8
Thu May 16, 2024 6:39 am
Forum: Lounge
Topic: Moates QH and J3 Chips Are Still Available
Replies: 23
Views: 19545

Re: Moates QH and J3 Chips Are Still Available

That software should be available on the original developer's site.

Moates did not develop that software. They were just linking to it since it worked so well with their hardware.
by cgrey8
Wed May 08, 2024 12:47 pm
Forum: Tuning the EEC....
Topic: Duty Cycle Response Time
Replies: 3
Views: 1664

Re: Duty Cycle Response Time

I'm assuming you are talking about Idle Air Control(IAC) valve duty cycle?
by cgrey8
Wed May 08, 2024 6:29 am
Forum: Tuning the EEC....
Topic: Free A9L that came with BE vs. Core Tuning A9L (and using a token)
Replies: 2
Views: 1380

Re: Free A9L that came with BE vs. Core Tuning A9L (and using a token)

I'm using the free A9L that came with BE (.BIN) but I'm wondering if there's a reason to use the A9L out of the Core Tuning database (.BEB)? This may be outdated information, but it's my understanding that the only reason Adam @ Core Tuning remade the GUFx defs into licensable BEB files is because ...
by cgrey8
Tue May 07, 2024 6:17 am
Forum: Hardware Discussions
Topic: Fuel Injector Spec Help
Replies: 1
Views: 6801

Re: Fuel Injector Spec Help

If you don't get any information, then you always have the ability to guess at the numbers, run the engine with guessed-at numbers, and use EEC Analyzer to help you hone the values in. You might even end up with better values than you'll get from the Internet doing it that way since the numbers will...
by cgrey8
Wed May 01, 2024 8:19 am
Forum: Hardware Discussions
Topic: Fuel Injector Questions /Discussion
Replies: 3
Views: 5074

Re: Fuel Injector Questions /Discussion

A lot of folks on this and other forums are running injectors larger than what the Calculators would call for, and almost none of them will mention what Fuel Rail pressure they are running. An exception to this is Michael Ponthieux who states in his Pre-Tune Information article “I highly recommend ...
by cgrey8
Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:11 pm
Forum: Software Issues & Support
Topic: Logging Intake Manifold Vacuum
Replies: 3
Views: 1718

Re: Logging Intake Manifold Vacuum

On MAF-based EECs, like the GUFx EECs, the BARO sensor appears to be the same exact sensor used as a MAP sensor on Ford SD-vehicles. Or maybe they are just shaped the same and have the same connector? I don't know. Point being if you setup the tune to ALWAYS use Sealevel tables, then you can connect...
by cgrey8
Fri Apr 05, 2024 8:02 am
Forum: Hardware Discussions
Topic: Question about A9P with 5 speed
Replies: 2
Views: 3464

Re: Question about A9P with 5 speed

On manual cars, the EEC usually monitors both NSS on the clutch pedal and transmission neutral switch. One or the other have to indicate neutral. If you only wire to the NSS, then it is possible the trans could be in neutral, but your foot not pushing the clutch in and the result would be the EEC be...
by cgrey8
Thu Apr 04, 2024 6:34 am
Forum: Lounge
Topic: Moates QH and J3 Chips Are Still Available
Replies: 23
Views: 19545

Re: Moates QH and J3 Chips Are Still Available

It wasn't really a choice or an opportunity, it was just the hand he was dealt. AFAIK Xilinx wanted a $250G deposit on chips with a 36 month lead time and NO GUARANTEE that they would be available at the end of the 36 months and NO REFUNDS. It was a crap deal he would have been stupid to take... I ...
by cgrey8
Wed Apr 03, 2024 2:36 pm
Forum: Lounge
Topic: Moates QH and J3 Chips Are Still Available
Replies: 23
Views: 19545

Re: Moates QH and J3 Chips Are Still Available

I understand Moates using the chip shortage as an opportunity to retire. But what I don't get is his unwillingness to sell the intellectual property/company to someone who is willing and capable of taking it over particularly now that the shortage is no longer a thing. And if he didn't trust any one...
by cgrey8
Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:12 pm
Forum: EECGeeks
Topic: Aprilia RSV Mille XDF File
Replies: 1
Views: 4309

Re: Aprilia RSV Mille XDF File

I didn't realize Rotax or Bombarier (both aircraft companies) OEMed Ford hardware for their purposes.

If it isn't a Ford product/derivative, the chances of any knowledge we have about Ford EECs is not going to be of much use to you.
by cgrey8
Tue Mar 12, 2024 11:55 am
Forum: Hardware Discussions
Topic: 90° MAF connector?
Replies: 2
Views: 3298

Re: 90° MAF connector?

I never knew this existed:

But the obvious question is why the wires are not color-coded?
by cgrey8
Fri Mar 08, 2024 8:56 am
Forum: Tuning the EEC....
Topic: Dialing in the Failed MAF table
Replies: 5
Views: 11842

Re: Dialing in the Failed MAF table

I'm not familiar with that strategy, so I simply have nothing to offer. However I do recall very old threads mentioning that the Failed MAF table does need to be updated even when the MAF is working, thus suggesting it is still referenced and used, in some way, even when the MAF is functional. Is th...
by cgrey8
Mon Feb 26, 2024 1:53 pm
Forum: Lounge
Topic: Hi everyone!
Replies: 12
Views: 5460

Re: Hi everyone!

If your questions are for what size injectors you should go with, that would be the hardware forum. If your question is more related to how to deal with the injectors you've selected within your tune, then that's more of a Tuning question, so post there. If in doubt, just choose the one that seems t...
by cgrey8
Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:57 pm
Forum: Lounge
Topic: Hi everyone!
Replies: 12
Views: 5460

Re: Hi everyone!

If you are posting from a PC, you should have an "Attachments" tab right below the Save/Preview/Submit buttons. From there, you can browse your computer for where it is. Depending on how large the picture is, you may have to crop or reduce the picture to get the file size small enough for the forum ...
by cgrey8
Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:04 am
Forum: Lounge
Topic: Hi everyone!
Replies: 12
Views: 5460

Re: Hi everyone!

I've heard of VEX1, however I thought that was an EEC catch code, not a strategy. Looking in the strategy.xls, it appears VEX1 is both an EEC catch code and strategy. I wonder if there just wasn't enough info leaked from Ford to associate it to an actual strategy name? Not sure. Another detail that ...
by cgrey8
Sun Feb 25, 2024 6:43 pm
Forum: Lounge
Topic: Hi everyone!
Replies: 12
Views: 5460

Re: Hi everyone!

Your era vehicle is what a lot of people here have knowledge on. However your EEC's strategy may or may not have a lot of experience. What's your EEC's catch code and strategy? Another tidbit is a lot of people here generally prefer BinaryEditor over CalEdit/Calcon. It doesn't mean CalEdit is comple...
by cgrey8
Wed Feb 21, 2024 6:56 am
Forum: Tuning the EEC....
Topic: Convert .frg to .cef (SCT)
Replies: 3
Views: 8637

Re: Convert .frg to .cef (SCT)

I don't know of some programmatic way of converting SCT tunes to bins, however I have heard that SCT chips were readable by Moates chip-readers and that's how they were "converting" SCT tunes to bins by simply reading the tune out. As for Diablo frg formats, unless those chips are also readable via ...
by cgrey8
Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:00 am
Forum: Tuning the EEC....
Topic: Telorvek and PTP2
Replies: 3
Views: 6590

Re: Telorvek and PTP2

I'm not familiar with that setup or strat, however my initial thoughts are almost identical to what I JUST typed out over on this thread:
Software Issues>Dead in the water
by cgrey8
Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:56 am
Forum: Software Issues & Support
Topic: Dead in the water
Replies: 4
Views: 2380

Re: Dead in the water

So there's a few different problems that need to be confirmed. Here are my thoughts. You've probably done at least one, if not all of them already, but having feedback about them might help anybody else to narrow down on what the problem is. First, can you confirm your tune is executing? For example...
by cgrey8
Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:12 am
Forum: Software Issues & Support
Topic: BE Logging question on AFR_Error and/or multi tag arithmetic
Replies: 4
Views: 1626

Re: BE Logging question on AFR_Error and/or multi tag arithmetic

I feel like I should know the answer to this, but I don't. If you don't get any info from this thread from the people that really understand BE's capabilities, you may need to reach out to Clint directly and ask him if it's possible to define a "formula" for a datalogged value that's based on other ...
by cgrey8
Thu Feb 15, 2024 10:31 am
Forum: Tuning the EEC....
Topic: WOT tuning, High LOAD%
Replies: 169
Views: 138518

Re: WOT tuning, High LOAD%

I remember my stepfather often complaining about how incomplete Chilton/Haynes were as compared to the official manufacturer shop manuals. But they couldn't be as verbose as that. They were trying to cover all the options of a model vehicle, across multiple years. And for generic things like how the...
by cgrey8
Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:15 am
Forum: Tuning the EEC....
Topic: WOT tuning, High LOAD%
Replies: 169
Views: 138518

Re: WOT tuning, High LOAD%

I think the TPS adjustment myth came from DIY mechanic books like Chilton & Haynes. I had the Haynes for my 89 Ranger and recall it making mention about "adjusting" the TPS sensor.
by cgrey8
Wed Feb 14, 2024 7:37 am
Forum: Hardware Discussions
Topic: EEC-IV advice required. Based UK V8 speed density(MAP) 302
Replies: 8
Views: 4588

Re: EEC-IV advice required. Based UK V8 speed density(MAP) 302

The hole in the throttlebody is an interesting topic and a hard one to visualize. But I'll see if I can do it justice. When you have an engine pulling a fairly strong amount of vacuum, say reving down from high RPM with the throttle plate closed. You end up with this scenario where outside air is pu...
by cgrey8
Mon Feb 12, 2024 10:14 am
Forum: Tuning the EEC....
Topic: Holley 36lb injectors and Pro Flow 36lb Maf ???
Replies: 8
Views: 3282

Re: Holley 36lb injectors and Pro Flow 36lb Maf ???

I don't know what MAF you are starting with, but many of the stock MAFs made since the late 90s are sampling closer to the center of flow like slot style MAFs do. So you may not need to replace your MAF. For example, the infamous LMAF. Even the 97 Ranger and Explorer MAFs have their housing designed...
by cgrey8
Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:33 am
Forum: Tuning the EEC....
Topic: Holley 36lb injectors and Pro Flow 36lb Maf ???
Replies: 8
Views: 3282

Re: Holley 36lb injectors and Pro Flow 36lb Maf ???

Every application that isn't exactly stock will likely have some aspect of it that will alter the values. So while starting with stock equipment and stock parameters in the tune is certainly a good strategy to begin tuning, that doesn't mean you won't find instances where even those stock values cou...
by cgrey8
Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:45 am
Forum: Tuning the EEC....
Topic: WOT tuning, High LOAD%
Replies: 169
Views: 138518

Re: WOT tuning, High LOAD%

A9L doesn't have FN1362.
It optionally has FN1360 if you get hacked/modified bin which helps with fuel control.
by cgrey8
Thu Feb 08, 2024 7:14 am
Forum: Tuning the EEC....
Topic: Holley 36lb injectors and Pro Flow 36lb Maf ???
Replies: 8
Views: 3282

Re: Holley 36lb injectors and Pro Flow 36lb Maf ???

You may get away with just grabbing the injector parameters from some other brand 36lb injectors. They'll be close enough that you can tweak the values to what's actual.
by cgrey8
Thu Feb 08, 2024 7:11 am
Forum: Lounge
Topic: Classifieds?
Replies: 5
Views: 2849

Re: Classifieds?

I never go into the Classifieds, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is just over-run with spam. I tend to ignore what goes in there since it is auto-maintained. Inactivity for more than 30 days, I think, gets the entry deleted. But that probably means most others aren't looking in there anymore eithe...
by cgrey8
Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:48 pm
Forum: Tuning the EEC....
Topic: EA Injector Slope Tool
Replies: 11
Views: 5617

Re: EA Injector Slope Tool

I'm thinking EA may be configured to assume Closed Loop. When you don't have a WB to feedback ACTUAL AFRs, EA assumes the "target" is stoich. Well if you are in Open Loop and the EEC is commanding a rich mix, EA interprets this as the EEC having to adjust the LAMBSEs rich to compensate for a lean co...