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Re: 331's in and running, but...

Post by StangD » Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:29 pm

Sounds like you may revisit the pedestal shims one more time in the future. Hopefully it is good enough to allow you to dial in the tune some first. As long as it doesn't get too loud, putting more runtime might help you isolate the noise to a cylinder or two. Getting the valvetrain right can be tedious. You can build five engines in a row without an issue, then something like this. I know you made some procedural errors this time, but sometimes it just happens with aftermarket parts. I doubt you are hearing a valve hit the seat. More likely a rocker arm that just needs a bit more preload. If it makes noise on startup but quiets down quickly that really sounds like preload.
94 GT-T5-347-CBAZA-TM40
QH-BE2012-Innovate LC-1
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Re: 331's in and running, but...

Post by cgrey8 » Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:12 pm

StangD wrote:Sounds like you may revisit the pedestal shims one more time in the future. Hopefully it is good enough to allow you to dial in the tune some first. As long as it doesn't get too loud, putting more runtime might help you isolate the noise to a cylinder or two. Getting the valvetrain right can be tedious. You can build five engines in a row without an issue, then something like this. I know you made some procedural errors this time, but sometimes it just happens with aftermarket parts. I doubt you are hearing a valve hit the seat. More likely a rocker arm that just needs a bit more preload. If it makes noise on startup but quiets down quickly that really sounds like preload.
After shimming them this last time, I even "rigged" everything in the engine bay to test what I'd done. And when I took everything apart to seal up the valve cover gaskets with silicone, I felt of every rod to feel if they were slack or being held tight. If any were slack with pumped up lifters, I knew I'd need to pull a shim from them. But every one of them were tight. I had to roll the engine over to get some lifters back on the base circle to test those rods. But all were tight. So I assumed I was golden. For now, I'll just keep an ear out for it and if it gets worse, I'll think about tearing into it again. But for now, it's driving and now that the IAC is mounted correctly, it's driving much better. I spent all afternoon tweaking the tune into shape. I'm sure I'll be tweaking and perfecting for years to come like I was with the 302. But for now, I think I've got something drivable. So tomorrow, I guess I'll drive it out of town and see how it does on the open road...that is if we all aren't obliterated by the end of time as some feel the Mayans predicted.
...Always Somethin'

89 Ranger Supercab, 331 w/GT40p heads, ported Explorer lower, Crane Powermax 2020 cam, FMS Explorer (GT40p) headers, aftermarket T5 'Z-Spec', GUFB, Moates QuarterHorse tuned using BE&EA



Re: 331's in and running, but...

Post by decipha » Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:21 pm

i figure they just stopped chiseling cuz they got tired or either ran out of stone, maybe they figured 2000 years was long enough to write the future
in any case it ends at 5:11 AM central standard approx 13 hrs from now

ill b well on my way to work and thatll b the last thing on my mind

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Re: 331's in and running, but...

Post by StangD » Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:33 pm

decipha wrote:i figure they just stopped chiseling cuz they got tired or either ran out of stone, maybe they figured 2000 years was long enough to write the future
in any case it ends at 5:11 AM central standard approx 13 hrs from now
Nasty blizzard in Iowa today. So you telling me I gotta go outside and shovel snow? :lol:

Chris, that sounds like a plan. I wouldn't drive myself crazy chasing lifter tick. You mention siliconing valve covers. Next time you got em off order some of the rubber gaskets with the steel inner core. I think I have Trickflow, but lots of brands offer them. Use them over and over, no cleaning up and they seal betr than any VC gasket I ever used. You can look at your rocker arms everyday after work if you wish lol.
94 GT-T5-347-CBAZA-TM40
QH-BE2012-Innovate LC-1
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Re: 331's in and running, but...

Post by cgrey8 » Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:49 pm

I looked around for reusable "thick" valve cover gaskets, but couldn't find any that were both reusable and thick. If you know of some, let me know. If I ever have to dig into the VCs again, I'll replace my caulk-based thick gaskets with reusable rubber ones.

Unfortunately in a Ranger engine bay, it's not exactly easy to get them on and off. There's a ton of crap covering both PS and DS covers to just take them off at whim. I really gotta NEED to get into them to take them off.
...Always Somethin'

89 Ranger Supercab, 331 w/GT40p heads, ported Explorer lower, Crane Powermax 2020 cam, FMS Explorer (GT40p) headers, aftermarket T5 'Z-Spec', GUFB, Moates QuarterHorse tuned using BE&EA


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Re: 331's in and running, but...

Post by StangD » Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:58 pm

My stang was horrible when it was emissions legal, didn't have a short runner intake etc. Real easy to pull the VCs now, and I am very much hoping to NOT have a need to take advantage of this feature very often.
94 GT-T5-347-CBAZA-TM40
QH-BE2012-Innovate LC-1
New Combo- 347-TW190FAC-Victor EFI-FTI Cam-42s-90MM LMAF-Accufab 85MM TB-Nitrous


Re: 331's in and running, but...

Post by decipha » Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:47 am

decipha wrote:i figure they just stopped chiseling cuz they got tired or either ran out of stone, maybe they figured 2000 years was long enough to write the future
in any case it ends at 5:11 AM central standard approx 13 hrs from now

ill b well on my way to work and thatll b the last thing on my mind
mayan calender expired 45 minutes ago

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