Anything about Ford EEC tuning. TwEECer and Moates questions dominate, but there's some SCT and OBD-II knowledge too.

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2001 Ford F150 5.4 Help

Post by tedmentz1 » Sat Oct 15, 2022 12:24 pm

So I bought a 2001 F150 that had a Promar rebuilt lightning engine installed. It is D1SC procharged also. Ill try to make a long story short. The tune when I bought it was horrible. I paid someone a lot of money to try to fix it and in some cases it is. The main issue I'm having now is that with minimal throttle its STUPID rich. It cruises around stoich but lets say 1/4 throttle push its at 9.9 afr.

No Cats
Deka 60lb injectors
255lph fuel pump
I have a SCT BA3000 as a draw through (being used) and the previous owner also installed a BA5000 in the charge pipe but the tuner was not able to get it to run on that one.
The truck is lifted and on 37s with 4.88 gears.

The previous owner was having it tuned with SCT. I am using the mongoose plus. I'm not tuning stupid but wondering if I'm fighting some mechanical issue. Any help would be appreciated.

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