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BBK Fuel Pressure Regulator Issue

Post by JOESTANGMAN » Tue Sep 17, 2024 9:13 pm

ok got my Brand New adjustable BBK Fuel pressure regulator installed thing is a piece of crap. Wanted a Kirban but hard to get up here in Canada. Managed to get it working after repairing it from quality control issues thing was leaking from every orifice and its brand new. Any ways have my pressure at 40 lbs of pressure no vacuum and now sitting at 32 with vacuum.

1. Odd thing is the BBK Regulator is not holding the pressure when KOEO and falls immediately to 0 and causing extra crank in the morning. Is this just a normal thing with these regulators and should i be concerned about it.
95 Mustang Gts Cbaza – J4J1 5 speed manual
Edelbrock RPM Upper & Lower Intake, Edelbrock Performer Heads 1.9/1.6, Ford B303 Cam, MotorSport 1.7 Stud mounted Rollers, Ford 24Lb Injectors, 75mm Throttlebody, 75 mm ProM 24, 255 Walbro Fuel Pump, BBK Underdrive Pulleys,BBK shorties, 1 5/8 BBK H-CatBack, Mac Cold Air. No air pump, Egr and Thermactor disabled.

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Re: BBK Fuel Pressure Regulator Issue

Post by Paulie » Tue Sep 17, 2024 10:02 pm

Fuel pressure regulator should not let fuel pressure immediately drop to zero when the fuel pump stops running. My Aeromotive fuel pressure regulator does not bleed down. The only real issue it will cause is a long crank time. If it bothers you, change it. If you are using the factory fuel rails and have a stock regulator laying around, use that.
1990 Mustang 5.0, HCI, Vortech S-trim, FRPP 42# inj., PMAS MH95, A9L, Moates Quarterhorse, BE/EA, Innovate LC-1.

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Re: BBK Fuel Pressure Regulator Issue

Post by cgrey8 » Wed Sep 18, 2024 7:18 am

The adjustable FPR I bought years ago did the same thing. It would bleed pressure off within a few seconds after the fuel pump was off. This created a longer prime-time to get fuel pressure when cranking. I could not turn the key from OFF immediately to CRANK. If I did, then the starter had to be held on for a good 2-3 seconds longer than normal waiting for the fuel pump to prime before the engine would turn over. Instead, I had to cycle the key from OFF to ON (not crank) a few times to let the fuel pump prime before attempting to crank.

This is actually what inspired the exposure of the BE's GUFB def prime-time scalar, so I could increase the factory 1 second prime time to 5 seconds. This allowed me to turn the ignition ON, wait for the fuel pump to prime a few seconds, then crank...kinda like a diesel, waiting for glow plugs to warm before attempting to start.

When I upgraded the engine to the 331, I also upgraded the injectors to 36lb/hr injectors which was way more than the 331 needed so an adjustable FPR was no longer required. I could return to a stock FPR since stock pressures were still plenty using these injectors. The stock FPR will hold pressure for days. Despite having the stock FPR, I still have my tune set to a 5 second prime-time on the pump...just because I can.

Point is, when I brought this up back ~2006 when I 1st got my truck converted to the stock Explorer 302, it seemed like common knowledge that aftermarket adjustable FPRs just do this. It didn't come across as anything unusual. So it may not be a build-quality issue.
...Always Somethin'

89 Ranger Supercab, 331 w/GT40p heads, ported Explorer lower, Crane Powermax 2020 cam, FMS Explorer (GT40p) headers, aftermarket T5 'Z-Spec', GUFB, Moates QuarterHorse tuned using BE&EA


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Re: BBK Fuel Pressure Regulator Issue

Post by JOESTANGMAN » Wed Sep 18, 2024 8:08 am

Thanks for the reply i suspected this was the case. What prompted me to get the adjustable FPR is the stock FPR was having issues with fueling the BBK has helped restore my fuel issues and i am now able to make corrections to my Prom 24 lb Maf curve. My datalog had me enrichen the Prom Curve by 40% using the J4J1 strategy already calibrated for 24 Lb Injectors which immediately pointed to fueling issues using the stock FPR. Once i changed the stock FPR i imported the Stock Prom 24 Maf curve and i am within 1% error correction which is more in line with reality. I will live with it for now i think i may need to clean out my fuel lines i removed the Fuel Filter it was a rust color and suspect my injectors could be clogged but the higher pressure is allowing me to tune until i investigate the fuel lines and injectors.
95 Mustang Gts Cbaza – J4J1 5 speed manual
Edelbrock RPM Upper & Lower Intake, Edelbrock Performer Heads 1.9/1.6, Ford B303 Cam, MotorSport 1.7 Stud mounted Rollers, Ford 24Lb Injectors, 75mm Throttlebody, 75 mm ProM 24, 255 Walbro Fuel Pump, BBK Underdrive Pulleys,BBK shorties, 1 5/8 BBK H-CatBack, Mac Cold Air. No air pump, Egr and Thermactor disabled.

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