I have a very limited knowledge of what is going on with the the disassembly code I have made using tvrfan's SAD.
I have played around with arduino's a bit, but I am no expert.
I am an Electrician, and spent most of my time with relay logic systems.
I have been looking at a disassembly I have here.
It is from a 1986-87 XF Falcon/Fairlane.
The catch code is WA1, and it is a VM140 hardware I believe.
It is a very basic setup, it has the following inputs:
VAF, VAT, ECT, PIP, TPS, NDS, STI, AC Clutch, Knock Sensor.
It has these outputs:
Spout, 2 Injector Drivers (Batch Fire), ISC, Fuel Pump, 2 EGR Solenoids, CANP, STO, Trip Computer.
It has no HEGOs, No KAM, All Open Loop.
Code: Select all
2091: 30,a0,02 jnb B0,Ra0,2096 if (B0_Ra0) {
2094: 20,1d sjmp 20b3 goto 20b3; }
I realize B0 is Bit0 and Ra0 is a value from the registry.
What does the underscore mean?
It is probably a simple answer but I have look through here and dechipa's site and have not found it.
I am also trying to work out what Bits turn on the Pins on the J1 Connector.
From what I can make out most subroutines end up at a HSO subroutine, that has something to do with the output pins, but I am not sure.
The inputs also have me stumped.
I came across a post by cgrey that I think was asking the same thing.